Green Roofs

why green roofs make sense for sustainable living text on green roof blog post cover photo

Why Green Roofs Make Sense For Sustainable Living

One of the most important environmental events globally is Earth Day, annually celebrated on April 22. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day is now active in more than 193 countries and is coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. The organization’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. It is the […]

bees and butterflies

Bees, Butterflies, and Green Roofs

In our ecosystem, bees and butterflies play a vital role. So, there are over 400 different bee species in Ontario alone and over 100 butterfly species. Keeping our plants and trees pollinated is one of the most important functions of pollinators. They do this by carrying pollen from a male anther of a flower to […]

2020 green living wall

2020: A Year In Review

2020 was definitely a challenging year for everyone. Luckily, we were very fortunate that our industry was considered essential so we could continue with our work. This is important because problems such as flooding and heatwaves don’t pause just because there is another emergency, and green roofs can help with both of those things, especially in […]

members Living Wall

Integrating Green Roof and Photovoltaic Systems

Integrating green roof Photovoltaic (PV) panels systems has traditionally been seen as two distinct technologies vying for roof space. “Time and time again, researchers have observed a positive correlation between PV module efficiency and green roof health.” According to the City of Toronto’s Green Roof Bylaw, new buildings subject to the policy may deduct roof […]

green roof tips for spring

Green Roof Tips for Spring

Spring is in the air, and with that comes the important task of preparing green roofs for the season ahead. While green roof maintenance plans vary according to the system, there are a few key things to know about facilitating the transition from dormant winter sedums to summer blooms. Ginkgo Sustainability’s maintenance team maintained over […]

what drives us - green spaces

What Drives Us

‘Connecting the Living and Built Environments.’ This is GINKGO’s motto, and the pursuit of this connection is what drives us at our company and our employees. As cities expand and green spaces disappear in today’s modern age, our relationship with the environment has become strained as we have reduced nature’s role in our lives. Many […]

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