Minto WaterGarden
This living roof, visible from the building’s residential suites, not only enhances views, but also contributes to stormwater management requirements.
This living roof, visible from the building’s residential suites, not only enhances views, but also contributes to stormwater management requirements.
Situated alongside water treatment tanks, the vegetation on these two living roof areas had begun to grow into the root-free ballast border areas. GINKGO Maintenance trims the vegetation as needed, and weeds and fertilizes to keep the vegetation healthy.
The living roof of this rooftop terrace features a variety of vegetation along with extensive interlocking stone terrace areas, also installed by GINKGO. The design creates an environmentally friendly and sustainable merging of the living and built environment.
Abutting the rooftop terrace, this extensive living roof improves the building’s energy performance while providing a pleasing aesthetic space for its residents.
Installed alongside the outdoor amenity space, this living roof brings nature to the residents while improving the building’s energy performance and contributing to its LEED certification strategy.
These living roofs are incorporated into the architecture of Centennial College’s Ashtonbee Campus renewal. Incorporating innovative engineering and sustainability features, this building achieved LEED Gold status.
Divided into three section and covering a significant portion of the school’s roof, this living roof provides energy savings while enhancing the learning environment of the school’s students by bringing nature closer to the classroom.
Designed to help Station 106 integrate into its surrounding environment, this green roof provides energy savings to the building and contributed to its winning the Award of Excellence in the 2013 Urban Design Awards.